Cycling France and Jersey

We decided to cycle a little of France this Summer with the idea of going to Jersey to see some of Tracy’s  family. The idea was to cycle some of Normandy and Brittany and then to take the ferry across to Jersey. We started our trip from Paris Beauvais airport having packaged our bikes and put them on the plane with us. We had a little problem there as we were missing some part of the bike,so we cycled to the nearest Decathlon which saved us. We cycled from Paris Beauvais to Lyons la foret, a good 60 ish km. We stayed in a nice camping that night. The next morning we left for Rouen. We arrived to a campsite just outside the centre and in the evening we checked out Rouen. If you like churches then you will like Rouen.


Caught the train to Le Havre and from there managed to get across the Pont du Normandie-kind of difficult to get on the correct road to cross this bridge, we eventually did after and extra few kms cycling.We made it to a campsite in Honfleur. From Honfleur we went along the coast passing some beaches untill we reached Houlgate.


Next stop was Caen where we had organised to meet Arnaud (through warmshowers) to let us stay with him. We stayed one night in Caen with Arnau. Edgar got his bike fixed by his friend Olivier and we moved onto Vire. We took a train from here to Granville where we cycled along the coast to a place called Genets. Nothing much in this town. We stayed in a camp site called Coques d’Or.

The next day we cycled a camino way to get to St. Mont Michel. Tracy got lost on the way, but we eventually met up in a village called Ceaux. We made it to St.Mont Michel. We checked it out in the afternoon. Very nice views from the top. The next day it rained heavy, but we cycled anyway and arrived to Saint Malo. That evening we took the ferry across to Jersey.

St. Mont Michel

We arrived in Jersey, got collected and put into the back of a van with no lights untill we reached Tracy’s sister house where we surprised everyone with our visit. The next few days in Jersey were busy with Tracy’s family. We took some nice walks along the coast of the island and cycled most of it.

Bonne nuit, Jersey

After a few days in Jersey we returned to Saint Malo where we spent the evening and later took a train to Paris. We arrived really late in Paris but we managed to find the campsite. We spent 3 days in Paris. We covered a lot of ground and saw pretty much everything there is to see in Paris. The city is well developed for bikes. After Paris, we decided it’s time to return. We, after alot of hassle managed to get a train that would take our bikes on board to Portbou. A good trip in all. A bit difficult with the bikes, but well we did it!

Edgar and the Eiffel Tower

To see the other pictures of this trip click here:

I had to do a writing for my catalan class explaining my last summer. Here it is in catalan. There are some strange phrases but I had to include them in the assignment.

L’estiu passat vaig anar amb bicicleta amb el meu xicot a França. La idea del viatge era veure una mica de França (Normandia) i per arribar a l’illa de Jersey (entre França i Anglaterra) per sorprendre la meva germana i la seva família. Vam començar el nostre viatge a París i vam fer entre 60-70km cada dia amb les bicis. Vam visitar un munt de llocs: París, Rennes, Caen, Mont Saint Michel i Sant Malo. Vam tenir sort perquè el temps va ser molt bo, però el dia que vam anar a Mont Saint Michel va ploure a bots i barrals. Aquell dia no vam anar amb bicis, vam trevessar el poble de Mont Saint Michel de llarg a llarg. Hi havia molta gent i jo crec que hi ha molta gent a totes èpoques de l’any. Si diposes de molt poc temps a França, jo et recomano que vagis al castell de Mont Saint Michel. És impressionant.

Un dia, vaig tenir un problema. Vaig perdre l’Edgar, només durant una hora i mitja però va semblar molt més temps. Jo estava sola, sense un mapa i tenia els dos telèfons mòbils. Un desastre! Per sort, ens vam trobar en un petit poble. Mai no oblidaré!

Per menjar, vam preparar àpats als càmpings amb la nostra cuina. Sobretot vam menjar pasta, arròs i pa, i durant el dia compràvem coses de menjar al supermarcat.

No vam trobar gaire gent en aquest viatge. Quan vam arribar a l’illa de Jersey, vam passar-hi cinc dies. Van ser els millor dies.

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